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ZIMP - Datenbank Massenkommunikation und Publizistik Stand: 10/2023 / 257653 Dokumente

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A        nächste Seite (A)
A (8071)
A British Journalism Review collection of writing by Hugh Cudlipp to celebrate the centenary of the Daily Mirror on 2 November 2003
A how-to publicity handbook for non-profit organizations
A L est republicain
A L Humanite , societes des amis et des lecteurs approuvent l ouverture du capital
a La Provence , la redaction compte sur Olivier Mazerolle pour la proteger de son actionnaire
A Liberation , les journalistes ont perdu toute confiance dans la direction
A Liberation , les tensions restent vives entre la direction et les salaries
A Liberation , malgre l etat de choc, on continue
A Liberation , un demenagement et des baisses de salaires a l etude
A Methodological Monent in Media and Communication Studies
A Mix of Attributes Approach to the Study of Media Effects and New Communication Technologies
A most remarkable Jewish Sect
A Partisan century
A Pernicious New Strain of the Old Nazi Virus and an Orgy of Tribal Slaughter
A Washington Merry-Go-Round of Libel Actions
A Washington-merry-go-round of libel actions
A & F Handreichungen
A Beaverbrook for Telegraph
A brand new World Service
a friend abroad
A new model for tribal Ownership?
A - Z
A - Z of film, television and video terms
A 10 years perspective. A report
A 10-Year review of how the U.S. networks cover Asia
a 13-wave survey study to assess effects of text and footage 328: Die Rolle der Personalisierung in politischen Fernsehnachrichten : eine dreizehnstufige Untersuchung zur Abschätzung der Wirkungen von Text und Länge der bildlichen Darstellungen 329:
A 15 ans, Google se porte encore comme une start-up
A 2 et FR 3, malades su soupcon
a 2-year longitudinal study
A 20 year assessment
A 20. anniversary symposium
A 20th-Century-Man
a 23-year panel study
A 24 year review. A report by the Roper Organization
A 30-year update
a 33 ans, le fils de Vincent Bollore devient president du conseil d administration
A 5-years update of their characteristics
A 50 ans, si t as pas une Aston Martin ...
A 50. anniversary selection
A 60 ans, Bild perd de sa superbe
A 70 ans, Le Journal de Mickey garde son rang dans la presse enfantine
a 74 ans, Jean-Rene Fourtou, president du conseil de surveillance du groupe, justifie sa strategie de scission
a 76 ans, Albert Uderzo met en sourdine sa reputation de timide. Mieux, la publication dans Le Monde de l ete d une serie de planches originales lui a ouvert l appetit. Retour sur un dessinateur d exception, et place a son nouvel album, Asterix
A Annecy, le cinema d animation salue les marionnettes, eternelles compagnes
A antenne 2
A Arcueil, le cinema integre les Roms
A Arles, Martin Parr defend la photographie documentaire
A Arles, une superbe exposition presente le travail de ces artistes reconnus pour le New York Times Magazine
A Aventura da reportagem
a Avignon, M. Sarkozy a defendu une evolution de la loi Hadopi sur le telechargement
A B.C. collection
A Babel of Broadcasts
A Bagnolet, ils regrettent que l islam soit toujours associe aux extremistes
A Banner year for Baltimore
A Basement seat to history
A basic introduction
A basic overview
A battle for privacy
A Battle for Public Mythology
A beacon of hope
a before and after comparison of superpower coverage (censorship and Nicaraguan newspapers)
A beginner s guide to broadcasting and cablecasting
A behind the scenes history.
A behind the scenes history. Rev. ed.
A Benchmark Study of Elaboration and Sourcing in Science Stories for eight American Newspapers
A Berlin defilent les stars et l Histoire
A Berlin, les caricatures ont laisse la place a l embarras
A Berlin, un palmares marque par les cliches sociaux
A best practice guide to public relations planning, research and evaluation
A Biarritz: ombres et lumieres de la fibre optique
A bibliographic guide to 1940
A bibliographic guide to book-length comics
a bibliographical essay
A bibliographical review of international communication online
A bibliography (5)
A bibliography and directory
A Bibliography for newspaper design and typography, information graphics, color, computers and photos
A bibliography of American TV tie-in paperbacks
A bibliography of Australian cinema and TV, 1895 - 1995
A bibliography of international literature 1969 - 1989
A Bibliography of materials pertaining to broadcast regulation
A bibliography of selected Rand publications (2)
A bibliography of studies in the fields of literature, linguistics, history, film, and the arts published 1986 - 1996
A bibliography on communications technologies and their social impact
A bibliography with indexes
A bibliography, 1961-1981 (2)
A big impression in a narrow column
A Billion for Boston
A bio-bibliography (7)
A bio-critical sourcebook
A Bio-Informational Theory of Emotion: Motion and Image Size Effects on Viewers
A biographical approach
A biographical dictionary of writers and editors
A biographical guide
A biographical guide to British journalism
A biographical sketch of and writings by Altaf Husain, former editor of Dawn
A biography (29)
A biography in photographs
A biography of American broadcasting
A biography of C. Aubrey Smith, England cricketer, West End actor, Hollywood film star
A biography of Carol Reed
A biography of Edward G. Robinson
A biography of Ernie Kovacs
A biography of Gary Cooper.
A biography of John Reed
A biography of John Reed.
A biography of Margerite Higgins
A biography of Merle Oberon
A biography of Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine
A biography of Peter Finch.
A biography of Preston Sturges
A biography of Richard Hughes
A biography of Sir Hugh Greene
A biography of Will Irwin
A biography, radio history, television career chronicle, discography, filmography, comicography, merchandising and advertising history, collectibles description, bibliography and index
A biography.
A bis Buchsterben
A bisserl rumspionieren
A bisserl Stimmung in die Runde bringen
A bisserl viel Weißkittel und Karbolgeruch
A bisserl was geht immer : Der Weg des Münchner Filmemachers Wolfgang Ettlich /Dokumentarisches Fernsehen (42)
A black man s story of growing up alone
A Black national news service
a Bleu Orleans, antenne locale du groupe public, les journalistes supportent mal la disparite salariale avec leurs collegues de France 3
A Bologne, les films malades retrouvent une seconde vie
A book
A book of readings
A book review essay
A box for all seasons.
A brave new world for international news?
A brief history of film
A Brief history of Regional Dailies of Australia Limited
A Brief history of the future
A brief history of The International Press Telecommunications Council, 1965 - 1990
A brief history of the mobile phone
A brief introduction.
A brief research autobiography
A brief research summary
A Brief Review of Chinese Contributions to Communication and Media Studies
A brief selective guide
A Briefing for the Press
A Bright galaxy of stars
a British magazine of new writing seeks a global readership
a British-German comparison
a broad window or a small peep-hole?
A broadcast history reader
A Broadcasting strategy for the future
A bumpkin s tribute to country joys
A business assessment for broadcasters
A business guide to managing policies, security, and legal issues for e-mail and digital communication
A cable primer
A call for fair coverage
A Call to leadership
A candid look at the national newspaper s first decade (1982 - 1992)
A Candle within her soul
A Cannes, la revolution du cinema arabe
A Cannes, preparatifs sous le signe des economies
A Canton, la fronde contagieuse de journalistes
A captive audience?
a captive readership awaits America s first magazine for people in jail
A career guide
A cartoon collection
A cartoon museum is planned in D.C
A cartoonist s life
A case for an integrative view on affect regulation through media usage
a case for health communication
A case of egalitarian bias in the news?
A Case of Horizontal Europeanisation?
A case of peace journalism?
A case of the emperor s new clothes?
A case study (5)
a case study and some suggestions
A case study covering events in Kenya during march 1980.
a case study from Norway s biggest newspaper
a case study in a multireligious society
A case study in advocacy ads (2)
A case study in Indonesia
a case study in international/intercultural communication
A case study in pay television
A case study in scientific quality control
A case study in the politics of literature 1952-1958
A case study of 2 root causes of the modern scandal coverage (2)
a case study of a Jordanian radio program
a case study of content change
a case study of election communication
A case study of Hyderabad)
A case study of Iran.
a case study of Irish broadcasting and film
a case study of malayalam newspapers
a Case Study of Mathematical Competence and Confidence
a case study of New Zealand journalism
a case study of non-official news sources
a case study of the effects of newspaper reporting, personal experience and social interaction in the public s perception of environmental risks
a case study of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Welt, and Neues Deutschland
a case study of the german feature film Jud Süss (1940)
a case study of the Middle East Broadcasting Centre
A case study of the Moore Universal Telephone Service Act

nächste Seite (A)

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